October 22-24, 2021
Diep~Haven 2021
festival of ideas and contemporary art
Encounters, debates, screenings, readings, workshops
D.S.N., Dieppe National Stage
Dieppe Fish Auction (Port of Dieppe)
Direction : Aliocha Imhoff & Kantuta Quiros
Friday, October 22, 2021
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Video exhibition
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Diep~haven 2021 Festival
festival of ideas and contemporary art.
From October 22 to 24, 2021
Lectures, debates, screenings, readings, workshops

Acoustic Ocean by Ursula Biemann
D.S.N. – Scène Nationale de Dieppe, Normandy
Dieppe fish auction (Port of Dieppe)
when :
Friday, October 22 – 6:30-10pm at D.S.N – Opening (Auditorium)
Saturday, October 23 10am-12pm at D.S.N (Auditorium) / 2pm-3pm at D.S.N (Dance Studio) / 4pm-6pm at D.S.N (Auditorium) / 6pm-8pm at La Criée / 8:30pm-10pm at D.S.N (Auditorium)
Sunday October 24th 2pm-4pm at D.S.N (Auditorium)/ 6:30pm-10pm at D.S.N (Auditorium)
Free entrance
Léna Balaud, philosopher and agricultural engineer
Ludivine Bantigny, historian
Arno Bertina, writer
Romain Bertrand, historian
Alexandre Gefen, theorist of literature
Diego Landivar, economist
Eric Lecerf, philosopher
Noémi Lefebvre, writer, poet
microsillons, Marianne Guarino-Huet & Olivier Desvoignes, artists
Yann Moulier-Boutang, philosopher and economist
James Noël, poet
Bertrand Ogilvie, philosopher
Frank Smith, poet
Sophie Wahnich, historian
As well as in distanciel (on Zoom) and invited by Eric Lecerf & Bertrand Ogilvie: Alexander Neumann (sociologist), Silvana Rabinovich (philosopher), Frédéric Rambeau (philosopher).
And with the films by Ursula Biemann (Switzerland), Marwa Arsanios (Lebanon), Pauline Julier (Switzerland), Mikhail Karikis (Greece), Jumana Manna (Palestine), Alexander Hick (Germany), Malena Szlam (Chile). (read more about the video exhibition)
Artistic direction : Aliocha Imhoff & Kantuta Quirós
Detailed schedule:
Friday, October 22
Saturday, October 23
Sunday October 24th
Video exhibition
Team – Partners – Thanks
Practical information
« Our lives have been turned upside down in 2020 and 2021. We feel the need to exchange, to share, to think together, in the very heart of our troubled times, about the escape routes of our present, which will make us carry projects and hopes collectively. After this troubled year, the 2021 edition will seek to draw up an atlas of ecological, social and artistic forks in the road.
In 2020, our lives have stopped. Taking advantage of this halt, many voices have been raised to transform this suspension into a moment of bifurcation, of reconstruction of another diplomacy with the living, to give priority to the “commons”, to change work, the intertwining of city and nature, to redefine the necessary, non-contingent production, according to social, cultural and ecological criteria. In unison of what played in the other fields of the contemporary thought during the crisis of the Covid-19, a number of actors of the art world are inclined today to make bifurcate the institutions of art, from this suspension of the production of the art world, to reimagine, first of all, new models of institutions which would resist the logic of the accumulation, emitting the idea that the current crisis could be used as an opportunity to provoke a second conceptual revolution in art as much as its “decarbonization” in all senses of the word, a decarbonization that would take into consideration the ecological footprint of its programs and structures and on a more theoretical level, would amount to “decarbonizing” the imaginaries on which Modernity was founded, what the theorist Jaime Vindel called a “fossil aesthetic”.
The 2021 edition of the festival will be built from a survey-atlas of bifurcations. We will invite artists, writers, poets, philosophers, historians, economists, educators, farmers, who, by their way of producing, could enlighten us in these future bifurcations. If some of the events we are witnessing (climatic dislocation, changes in lifestyles, macro-economic mutations, reconfigurations of the idea of the collective or the community) escape us by their scale, it is through the deployment of new forms of representation that we can hope to better apprehend them and to make them bifurcate. By putting in “atlas” differently the world and the ecological and aesthetic contemporary sensibility, it is a question of re-envisioning possible visions of the world. »
Aliocha Imhoff & Kantuta Quirós
With the support of DRAC Normandie, the Normandy Region, the Seine-Maritime Department, the City of Dieppe, Fluxus Art Project (French Institute UK and British Council), DSN – Dieppe Scène Nationale.
Partnerships: Port of Dieppe, le peuple qui manque, RN13bis, Grande Ourse bookstore, Hôtel Aguado, le SukhoThaï food truck, Ensa Nantes, Top Image, etc.