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Atlas of Bifurcations

October 22-24, 2021

Diep~Haven 2021

festival of ideas and contemporary art
Encounters, debates, screenings, readings, workshops

D.S.N., Dieppe National Stage
Dieppe Fish Auction (Port of Dieppe)
Direction : Aliocha Imhoff & Kantuta Quiros

Friday, October 22, 2021
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Video exhibition
Practical information
Team & Partners
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Institutional support for the 2021 edition

The 2021 edition of the Diep-Haven Festival has received institutional support from the DRAC Normandie, the Normandy Region, the Seine-Maritime Department, the City of Dieppe, Fluxus Art Project (French Institute UK and British Council), DSN – Dieppe Scène Nationale.


Other partnerships


The 2021 edition of the Diep-Haven Festival will be held in partnership with the Dieppe Port Authority, a people is missing (le peuple qui manque) RN13bis, the Grande Ourse Bookstore (Dieppe), the Aguado Hotel (Dieppe), the SukhoThaï food truck, and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Nantes, Top Image.



Artistic directors: Aliocha Imhoff & Kantuta Quirós
Founders: Alice Schÿler-Mallet and Philippe Terrier-Hermann
Bureau association Cybèle: Norman Yamada (president), Jean-Philipe Passot (vice-president), Daphné Mallet (treasurer), Astrid Verspieren (secretary).

Trainees: Carol Targino, Elisa Olivier (ESADHaR)..



The festival team thanks : Dieppe City Council (Nicolas Langlois, Véronique Senecal, Damien Cordier, Anne Bellouin, Veronique Antoine, Emilie Vallois, Yohann Guerain, Laetitia Legrand), DRAC de Normandie (Jérôme Felin, David Guiffard, Benjamin Vallée, Caroline Renault, Sylvie Bouhier, Amélie Legrix, Catherine Ledun), Région Normandie (Svetlana Svetlova), Département de la Seine-Maritime (Hélène Bisson, Célia Bouget), D.S.N. (Philippe Cogney, Grégory Le Perff), Bureau des arts de l’Institut Français RU / Fluxus (Isabelle Manci – Attachée culturelle, Marie Lhotellier), Sebastien Jumel, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Nantes (Romain Rousseau, Léa Mosconi), Communauté d’Agglomération de la Région Dieppoise (Mathilde Deneux, Guy Senecal), Port de Normandie/Régie de Dieppe (Marie Dominique Fouchault, Philippe Deiss, Dominique Bimont, Gonzague Delamaere, Eric Augustin, Mme Delepine), L’École supérieure d’art et design Le Havre-Rouen (ESADHaR, Sophie Dubosc), Musée de Dieppe (Pierre Ickowitz), RN13bis (Andréa Launay, Sorana Munteanu), Hotel Aguado (Christine Hevers, Alain Caillet), TOPIMAGE (Antoine Poidvin, François Artu, David, Olivier, Stéphanie), Alter Natives (Emmanuelle Cadet, Ainhoa Gomez), Lycée Jehan Ango, Florent Bussy, Adinel Bruzan, Anna Knezevic, La Grande Ourse Librairie (Mila Boursier,Vanessa Audéon), DFDS Seaways (Florence Brunel), Julie Faitot, Vincent Vives, Pascal Gautrand, Jean-Christophe Lemaire, Julie Perrin, (Jean Peyratout), Sarah Michel, Alain Caillet, Liliane Daumain, Valérie Auclair, Laurent Gaillardon, Marie-Claude Boissinot, Marco Antonio Quiros, Mireille Quiros, Kourmi Quiros, Michel Baverey, Manuella Vaney, Pauline Trollé, Yves Trollé, Carlos Quintero, Aloïs Andrea Millé-Quirós, Jesse Miceli, Barthelemy Dary, James Noël, Pascale Monnin, Anne Sophie Vocanson, Alain Auzou, Sylvie Auzou, Philippe Clochepin, Les Informations Dieppoises (Camille Larher), Rosie Hermon, the artists, the speakers, the Gallery Mor Charpentier (Arthur Gruson)..